

Tensegrity:  the mechanics of stabilising forces within structures to maintain inherent shape and function.  


We are biological beings.  We run, automatically, because of our many biological systems.  Our biological systems and their supporting structures use a combination of tension and movement, pushing and pulling to maintain balance and performance.    

Tensegrity, is about being a well oiled machine. Good tension, proactive tension, helps keep us in form. Integrity, maintains the pristine nature of our systems, each piece, distinct and working in complete harmony with the other.

Dynamic tension allows our various systems, our organs, muscles and nerves to incorporate changes and stresses, without strain or injury.  When returning to its original place in relation to all other internal structures our systems move back to dynamic equilibrium or homeostasis.

This tension dependency is our biological integrity, allowing our body to perform, without compromising health or function.  This is what leads to balance, strength and flexibility.  Sometimes, this goes awry.

Our biological systems are dependent on tension to maintain the integrity of form and function.  This is the basis of our physiological, neurological and psychological wellbeing.

Our biological systems are dependent on tension to maintain the integrity of form and function. This is the basis of our physiological, neurological and psychological wellbeing.

To be healthy, is to be whole. A system’s model recognises that many processes and factors work together in the formation of disease, or in the creation of health. Health and healing, is a phenomenon of finding balance and harmony.
— Gabor Mate

Anything that throws us out of balance can disrupt the integrity of our systems, pushing us into reactivity.   An exciting event, a scathing review, a relationship challenge, mis-communication, a loss, a promotion, a job interview – whether good or bad, this elicits in us, a cue to adjust for stability, or urgency, or protection.

We may experience this first, at an emotional level. We may not even be aware of that initial reaction, but this experience activates a powerful, visceral, internal message system that stimulates our sympathetic nervous system. As a result, our biological systems swing into action, our neurological systems direct the body to be ready, to be safe, and our psychological systems, craft the story that goes with this, organising our behaviour and our reactions into coded memories.   




The importance of getting out of your comfort zone.